“1628 acres identified in Central Business District around Hampankatta, Bunder and Car Street is proposed for Retrofitting and Redevelopment under ten identified projects.”

1.Central Civic Node - 100 acres,
2.Hampankatta Junction Retail Node - 27 acres
3.Fisheries Harbor Redevelopment - 22 acres
4.Old Port Redevelopment - 10 acres
5.Upgraded Temple Precinct/ Religious Zone - 57 acres
6.Waterfront and Marina Development - 25 acres
7.Mixed-use Zone for IT services, Offices, Small-Scale industries, Hospitality and leisure alongside limited-capacity factory functioning by Adaptive Reuse of Tile factories - 42 acres
8.Upgrading District General Hospitals (Wenlock and Lady Goshen) 17 acres
9.Public Connector Streets Leading to Waterfront Development as Commercial & Retail Zone - 47 acres
10.Solar Farm on Island facing Bunder - 20 acres