Conversion of Streetlight to LED

Mangaluru Smart City Limited (MSCL), a special purpose vehicle has been formed for designing, developing, managing and execution of the Smart City Projects. One of the projects envisioned under the SCP for Mangaluru is to replace conventional street lights by Solar LED street lights in ABD Area and LED Street lights in PAN city area on PPP Basis. It is desired to achieve reducing energy consumption as well as to reduce environmental damage

The proposed project involves converting all the street lights to LED lights.

Conventional streetlight fixtures such as Metal Halide Lamps (MH), High-Pressure Sodium Vapour lamps (HPSV), Fluorescent Tub light (FTL) and LED light fixtures are being used for street illuminations.

The streetlights will be controlled by Centralized Control and Monitoring System (CCMS).

Total number of streetlights: 64,000

Total Project Cost: Rs. 62.63 Crores.


Installation Work in progress. (12,200 Nos. out of 66,000 Nos Completed)