2. The quotation may be forwarded in a sealed cover marked as `Quotation for Printing &
Xerox` addressed to the Managing Director, Mangaluru Smart City Ltd.
3. Agency/ Vendor should have done similar work in the past for reputed organizations for last
2 years (Rttach copies).
4. Vendors based in MANGALORE will be given preference.
5. Drawing/Documents required for printing/ Xerox is given in pen drive/ mail or by hand.
6. Timely delivery and quality of the paper & printing to be given top priority.
7. The Company reserves the right to accept / reject any/all quotations without assigning any
8. Payment shall be made on monthly basis after receipt of invoice & detailed checking
9. For any further clarification, please contact Admin Manager 10824-2986321) during office
hours (between L0 am-5 pm)on weekdays.